Details Tab

In the Details tab you are able to enter or edit the name, address and banking information for the company.  

The fields marked with a * are mandatory. 

Editing the Company Details:

  1. In Navigator click Company | Maintain Company Details.
    The Company screen will open with the Details tab showing.
  2. Edit the following details as required:
Field Name Explanation
Company Name Enter the name of the company exactly as it has been registered with the HR3 office.
Registered Name This is the registered name of the business (which can be different to the company name). This appears as the payer's name on payment summaries printed from the system. 
Address This is the company's postal address. These address details will be used in all company correspondence.
Company Code This field is available to uniquely identify this company in custom reports and general ledger exports.
Short Desc The shortened or abbreviated version of the company name used in HR3's hr and kiosk modules.
Org Chart Colour This colour will identify this company on any organisational charts. Click on the colour block and select the chosen colour from the chart.
Background Colour You may add a background colour for each company you have. This is a visual reminder that you may be viewing a different company.
Org. Group The organisational group to which the company belongs. You can either enter the group name or select it from the drop-down list.